Original Prop Movie

12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop

12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop
12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop
12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop
12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop

12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop
We have an incredible original stash ready for your investment / collection. These are sure to skyrocket in value! There are hardly any of these left in the world. You will be getting 12 cans of original Booty Sweat from the movie Tropic Thunder!

Cans are in pristine condition and have been wrapped in storage since 2008.

12 Cans Booty Sweat Energy Drink Tropic Thunder Movie Prop